Video: Watch the Nexus Smart ID Winter 2022 release

Now the Winter release video is out and ready for you to enjoy!

Johan and Daniel are focusing this quarter on one main topic, card personalization. During the 15-minute video, the duo explains and looks into details, options, and possibilities around workforce-related card personalization through the Smart ID platform and Identity Manager. 

The main topics in the video are listed below and a detailed agenda with direct links to the specific section can be found to the right.

  • Card personalization alternatives
  • Authorization with SAML in Identity Manager
  • Behind the scenes - Smart ID app for Apple Watch

Have a look at the video here:



Direct links to video sections

00:30 Agenda

00:50 The three offerings to manage Workforce Identities

02:30 The trend of outsourced card personalization

03:28 Reasons why organizations are looking to outsource

06:05 What is “card personalization”?

06:47 Design and visual personalization

08:21 The Nexus personalization sites

10:03 Capabilities and competence centers

12:01 Authorization with SAML in Identity Manager

12:52 Traditional options

14:04 Improved role management, assignment and authorization based on information in the SAML response

15:55 Behind the scenes and in development – Virtual smart cards in practice on Apple watch

16:49 Wrap-up

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