Walaa Insurance digital access

Walaa Insurance secures digital access for its workforce with Nexus Smart ID

Security and trust levels for accessing company resources, whether on local servers or in cloud-based systems, are critical for all organizations. As an increasing number of enterprises move towards a more flexible work environment, securing access to its digital resources has become a prime concern.

Walaa Insurance, a leading insurance company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, wanted to address this concern too. With employees, contractors, and partners accessing their resources and services remotely, Walaa Insurance was looking for a secure remote access solution that is easy to deploy, roll out, and adopt.

Smart ID allows you to provision high-security remote access. The platform also includes several methods for multifactor authentication (MFA) and authorization of users, based on access rules defined by the organization. At Walaa Insurance, Smart ID is being deployed to:

  • Provision secure Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Roll out strong MFA for VPN with Smart ID Mobile
  • Flexible MFA for Windows logon (laptops and server) in Online and Offline modes
  • Enforce granular, policy-based access control
  • Enable device binding using endpoint assessment

Endpoint assessment is used to validate devices before allowing access to resources. Based on parameters such as MAC address, Windows domain, permitted browsers, and running processes, organizations can define the criteria for accepting or rejecting access requests from the devices.

Smart ID thus allows Walaa Insurance’s workforce to conveniently access digital resources securely, no matter where they are.


About Walaa Insurance
Walaa Insurance is a leading insurance and reinsurance company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It operates under the following business segments: Medical, Motor, Property, Engineering and Others. 

For more information, contact us.

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