Förbered er för postkvantum hotet med Nexus PKI
Den snabba utvecklingen av postkvantum-databehandling sker här och nu. För att kunna skydda det digitala förtroendet krävs det att vi agerar nu. Med Nexus PKI kan ditt företag förlita sig på lösningar som möjliggör stark autentisering, kryptering och integritet. Nu kan du enkelt testa vår PKI-tjänst mot FIPS 203-, FIPS 204- och FIPS 205-algoritmerna som släppts av NIST.
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Emergence of Quantum Mechanics in Information Theory
The concept of quantum mechanics in relation to information theory emerges.
Initiation of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) Research
NIST announces the initiation of the first round of PQC algorithm candidates.
Publication of Initial PQC Algorithm Specifications
August 2023
NIST publishes the initial specification draft for three PQC algorithms.
Adoption of Hybrid Cryptography Schemes
Adoption of hybrid schemes combining pre-quantum cryptography with Post-Quantum Cryptography to safeguard data and operations anticipated to be relevant after 2030.
Introduction of Shor’s Algorithm
Shor’s algorithm, the inaugural quantum algorithm, emerges as a threat to public key cryptography.
PQC Algorithm Development Phases
Dec 21 2017
NIST manages three additional rounds of PQC algorithm development.
Official Release of First PQC Algorithm Specifications
August 2024
Expected release date for the official specifications of the first three PQC algorithms.
Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography
2030 and beyond
PQC becomes the primary choice, gradually phasing out hybridization.
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