A simplified standard service

Our trial Code Signing service is a simplified version of our standard cloud service Nexus GO IoT. The environment is shared with other trial customers and has the following characteristics:

Operation: Code Signing

Interface: REST API

Input: Code hash data, choice of algorithm

Output: Signed hash data, PKCS#7

Signing Authority: Generic test SA named “IoT Code Signing Trial SA G1”

CA key type: SHA-512 with RSA

Start your free trial today



Do you want to explore the full features of our cloud PKI solution?

Our cloud PKI - Nexus GO PKI - is a Common Criteria EAL4+ certified, flexible certification authority (CA) platform and remains the industry’s most efficient tool for PKI deployment.

Nexus PKI is a scalable, multi-tenant, and high-security platform for issuing, managing, and validating all types of PKI-based electronic IDs and digital certificates. 

Are you looking for more advanced or specific PKI functionality, e.g., other enrolment protocols, customer-named CA, OCSP/CRL, or another key type or length? Write to us!

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