Smart ID for Telecommunications

Telecoms are often a gateway into other businesses, making them even more attractive for cybercriminals. Emerging cyber threats require advanced security solutions to help protect the internal digital environments as well as critical infrastructure operated by these companies.

Smart ID is a proven solution within the telecommunications sector, with companies enhancing control and security of trusted identities.

Do you recognize these challenges?

  • Digitalize operations

  • Protect communication between connected hardware devices and networks

  • Follow all the rules and regulations that apply to telecommunication, such as GDPR and NIS

  • Protect base stations from threats like device tracking, call interception, frequency jamming, physical base stations attacks, and flooding

  • Guarantee high availability of the telecom networks

  • Prevent malware from executing in the associated backend or applications




Mobile networks constitute critical infrastructure and are essential to protect to prevent cyber security attacks from malicious parties and to conform with regulations and telecom standards.

Learn how you can protect your telecom infrastructure with PKI-based trusted identities. 

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Leading Telecommunications organizations trust Smart ID

Digital transformation and security

Whether your organization needs to issue and manage trusted PKI-based certificates for people, devices or things, the Smart ID platform enables secure, easy-to-use trusted identities. Find the right solution that meets your organizations' needs:

Why Nexus

Nexus Smart ID has the following key benefits:

Proven worldwide

Is used in critical, large-scale installations by several of the biggest mobile operators world-wide.

High security

Offers proven high security as Nexus’ quality-assured PKI platform is being certified according to Common Criteria EAL4+, and Nexus’ organization comply with ISO 27001 and TISAX.

Offered as a service

Is offered as a service, with guaranteed SLA and capacity as you grow.