Smart ID for IT Departments
IT departments have the difficult task of ensuring the company is secured. Trust is an important factor in today's society and it's important that every person and thing can be trusted. This is why many IT teams rely on Public Key Infrastructure to issue digital certificates that authenticate the identity of every person and thing.
Whether you need the tools and processes for authentication, federation, IoT security or to ensure secure automated on- and offboarding, Nexus has a solution that fits your needs.
Do you recognize these challenges?
- Ensure secure and automated on- and offboarding of employees.
- Improve workforce productivity.
- Enable a secure mobile workforce.
- Mitigate the damaging effects of cyberattacks.
- Ensure continuous compliance with regulations and company policies for information and physical security.
- Lead the digital transformation with automation and trusted cloud services.
- Coach in modern solutions that empower both security and convenience to help the business teams operate frictionless.