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Do you recognize these challenges?

Vehicle manufacturers (OEMs) and their suppliers face challenges when they implement security functions in connected vehicles. They need to:

  • Follow international standards for plug & charge (ISO 15118) or for V2X (IEEE 1609.2), which rely on PKI technology.
  • Protect drivers’ privacy by complying with requirements, such as C-ITS.
  • Issue an extremely high volume of certificates for the V2X use case.
  • Authenticate vehicles to protect unauthorized access to backend services.
  • Protect software by code-signing in order to avoid manipulations during upgrades to the vehicle.
  • Prevent malware from executing in the embedded computers of the vehicles

Want to know more?

Nexus - Identities for V2X

Secure V2X Communication

Introduction to V2X communication including terminology, use cases, V2X security and more. Watch to learn more about V2X and how Nexus enables secure V2X communication.


10 K

certificates per second


Common Criteria EAL 4+ certified platform


V2X production service ready 

Why Nexus

Nexus’ platform for automotive PKI has the following key benefits:

High performance

Guaranteed high performance with a proven capacity to issue 10,000 certificates per second. Offered as a service, guaranteed SLA and capacity as you grow.


Fulfills automotive requirements by supporting standards, such as the IEEE 1609-2 and ETSI TS 103 097 (V2X) for digital certificate formats and interfaces, C-ITS for vehicle-to-grid (V2G), and ISO 15118 for plug & charge. 

High security

Proven security as Nexus’ quality-assured PKI platform is being certified according to Common Criteria EAL4+, and Nexus’ organization complies with ISO 27001 and TISAX. 

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Examples of research projects

Connected vehicles Research

Nexus secures V2X communication in SECREDAS project

11 January, 2022
Nexus secures V2X communication in SECREDAS project The Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL) SECREDAS project, launched in 2018, has been completed successfully. The project which has funding of €50+ million is aimed at devel...
Blog Research

SecureCare: IoT research project aims to provide trusted high-quality elderly care

28 March, 2019
“We have initiated a new research project that we hope will result in a truly secure smart-healthcare system for elderly as well as younger and healthier people,” says Helen Holst, CIO at the Swedish municipality City of Solna.
Blog Research

SecureIoT: Making PKI security available for resource-constrained IoT devices

9 March, 2017
The internet of things (IoT) applications have started to hit the market in big numbers – but security is lagging behind.

News and Resources

Connected vehicles IoT

Volkswagen pioneers secure vehicle communication with Nexus V2X PKI

24 December, 2024
Nexus V2X PKI secures vehicle communication for Volkswagen's fleet of connected cars, guaranteeing a seamless experience and elevated road safety.
Blog Connected vehicles IoT IoT security

Steering the course of cybersecurity in the automotive industry with PKI 

2 May, 2024
Steering the Course of Cybersecurity in the Automotive Industry with PKI. Learn more on the topic in Nexus latest blog here.
Blog Connected vehicles IoT security

Nexus launches ISO 15118-20 compliant Plug & Charge PKI service

23 June, 2022
   Nexus launches ISO 15118-20 compliant Plug & Charge PKI service To promote the adoption of Electric Vehicles (EV) manufacturers must provide users with the flexibility of charging their vehicles at various public and private charging points. To provid...