Skolfederation help teens who wish to verify their digital identity

When you enter your teenage years, trust and identity becomes key issues. You search for your identity, who you really are. You try to figure yourself out by reaching out to others.

You will need to bother about your identity in the physical and the digital world, in private life and in the school. Social media is a big part of the teens life today and the life in school is more and more becoming digital as well. If you are a teen in Sweden it is really easy to manage your digital identity in school and there is no need for any identity crisis. Because something called Skolfederation knows who you are and trusts you. Amazing, don’t you think?

While Skolfederation can’t work out who you are from a spiritual perspective, it does a fantastic job of verifying who you are from an IT security perspective.

Most school systems around the world are now pushing hard to introduce digital learning tools into all parts of the curriculum. But doing so could be a bureaucratic nightmare, at least if you want to offer this for a whole nation in an effective and secure way.

That is why Skolfederation is so important. It makes scaling the use of digital tools in learning so much easier and more secure. One standardized way for the procurement, one login, and one standardized platform.

So when Swedish teenagers of today are searching for someone to verify their identity in the digital world of school, they should use “Skolfederation”. While it is your own school or similar organization who provides your digital identity, Skolfederation verifies it in a standardized and secure way. This means students can get access to all kinds of valuable digital learning tools, regardless of where they live in the country.

We at neXus have for a long time supported Skolfederation. We have helped organizations around the country create identities that can be verified by Skolfederation and by doing so, make the most out of it. While our work will never be rewarded with posters in teenage rooms, we will always be proud of how we with Skolfederation help one kid at a time to verify their identity (and get access to a secure learning environment).