
As leaders in our field, we help you to manage a Smart and Seamless Secure electronic IDentity of your customers, employees and to build a Smart Secure Trusted services, which are essential tools to secure your electronic transactions.

We make it easy for you to democratize the dematerialization of your business processes through reliable electronic identities and confidence in your business.

We help you to implement all the business process for managing and verifying electronic Identity of customers and assessing potential risks of illegal intentions for the business relationship.

Also we help you to implement a trusted services that offer great legal values to all transaction of your organization and benefit from a wide range of usages: dematerialized invoices, online contract services, tele transmission of care…

Xayone Logo
Partner type: Certified integration partners
Region: Africa
Country: Morocco

Contact us

Angle Boulevard Moulay Abdellah ben Cherif et Main Street
Capital tower b13, 30 4th floor