What need is there in the public sector for professional Identity and Access Management solutions? The German magazine for the public sector, Kommune21 explores this in depth.
The article “Access forbidden! – Identity management in the public sector”, appeared in issue 4/2016; this begins with a view of the special security requirements of institutions in the public sector, especially those put forth by legislation. Particularly in recent years, there have been a number of important and groundbreaking steps towards increased security. An ongoing challenge that remains in the area of Identity and Access Management is the proliferation of legacy systems, as a result of which it is often impossible to manage records centrally and accordingly efficiently.
The central management of identities is not only key when it comes to citizens’ data, it should be applied to staff as well. Their profiles should also be managed in a central platform in an ideal world. Why? For example, in order to provide them with a multi-functional service card, which procures access to their workplace and access to digitally filed documents for them.