Nexus and Kyos partner to enable secure digital identities in Switzerland
Nexus is happy to further expand its long-standing relationship with IT security consultancy, Kyos, making the Swiss company an official channel partner for the Smart ID solution.
Geneva-based Kyos aims to make the use of IT as simple, adapted and secure as possible. Kyos experts work in the fields of security, networks and information security. Since 2002 customers across industries such as municipalities, manufacturers, hospitality, and healthcare have selected Kyos to ensure the protection of their information systems.
“Kyos works with a broad selection of customized solutions which can be adapted for individual requirements and we are excited to include the Nexus solution into our portfolio ensuring our customers have the best, most secure solutions to choose from,” says Fabien Jacquier, Managing Director of Kyos.
Through this new partnership, Nexus will be in a better position to support clients in the French and German-speaking regions of Switzerland. Kyos will be able to implement the full Nexus Smart ID platform made up of modules that can be added together or stand-alone. Smart ID supports trusted identities for the workforce, workplace devices, and IoT.
“We are happy to partner with Kyos to have the Smart ID solution part of their offered security solution, but also to have an increased presence in the Swiss market,” states Philippe Fonton, Director Sales western and southern Europe.
23/02 2021
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Webinar – Mobilité et télétravail: Comment sécuriser la gestion des accès tout en simplifiant l’expérience utilisateur?
Comme chaque crise présente ses menaces et ses opportunités, celle subie en 2020 est ainsi également l’occasion pour les entreprises de repenser leurs méthodes de travail afin de les adapter aux contraintes actuelles. L’époque charnière que nous vivons en ce moment nous oblige à concilier simplicité d’utilisation, mobilité et sécurité autant pour nos données que pour nos collaborateurs.
Passionnés par le service et la sécurité des environnements informatique, chez Kyos, nous nous efforçons de trouver des solutions permettant de répondre à ces enjeux. Dans ce webinar, nous vous montrerons comment la suite de produit Nexus Smart ID vous permet de gérer le cycle de vie de vos identités et leurs accès tout en conservant un niveau de sécurité élevé et sans négliger l’expérience utilisateur.