Webinar: How to secure your IoT devices to shape a secure tomorrow
Trusted identities are the very foundation of a secure IoT deployment. With millions of things connected to the Internet and upcoming security regulations and standards such as IEC 62443 and ETSI EN 303 645, there has never been a greater need for IoT security. The challenge is how to address security, privacy and safety, and where to get started.
In collaboration with our cybersecurity partner Nixu, Nexus will host a webinar to discuss how your business can ensure that the connected things you produce are provisioned with a trusted identity. PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) platforms offer a highly scalable option to issue and automate the management of trusted identities and enable secure IoT.
Join the webinar to learn:
- How trusted device identity enables secure IoT communication
- How to issue birth certificates enabling a reliable device identity for your connected things
- About different IoT device lifecycle and supply chain scenarios
- How zero-touch provisioning simplifies the connection to the cloud of the IoT device
- The difference between the Factory CA and Lifecycle CA
- How PKI manages a full range of devices from battery-powered sensors to self-driving cars
- How PKI establishes a certified root of trust for the security of the entire IoT ecosystem
Let's create a secure tomorrow together! Watch the recording of the webinar below